Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In Spring a Young Man's (or Woman's) Fancy...

...turns not to Love, as might be expected and hoped for, but to Finals and Graduation!

The Library has been a hive of activity since we returned from Easter Break. Everyone is studying in groups or working on those last papers. We welcome the activity but we do find ourselves needing to do a little more shushing, as did our fore-mothers and -fathers in days gone by.

Shushing patrons is not a favorite librarian activity: we prefer as a rule to be genial and helpful. Perhaps this is overcompensation for those grade school, middle school and high school librarians all too ubiquitous in my day (I am NOT going to tell you what century) who delighted in correcting, glaring at, and otherwise making life in the school library a nerve-wracking experience. This behavior seems to have disappeared, probably since Dr. Spock's famous book was published! And all to the better!

We want you to love being in our library as much as we love it. However, we do need to remind you from time to time of the rules: no loud conversations (unless you are lucky enough to snag a study room upstairs and can close the door), and no real food.

M&Ms can be overlooked! Etudiez bien!

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